Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Welcome and Behave!

This has been a suggestion by many, including those in academic circles, to have an outlet for ideas, hypotheses, stories and narratives that could inspire and challenge those in my circles to new heights.  While I maintain a busy lifestyle – of going to college at over 40 with paper-writing coming out of every spare minute in my calendar, learning Biblical Hebrew, managing a growing congregation and preparing for Sunday services each week, together with doing the best I can to support my family – this may bring me away from posting on a regular basis to this new outlet for my unconventional spiritual thought.  However, I believe it will be a good way to have my inner voice heard.

I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that my views and ideas will challenge the majority and I expect nothing less than the entire gambit of responses from outrage to hallelujahs.  What I ask from every reader, follower, and free-thinker is that you read what is posted here with an open mind and open heart.  Read what is there on the face value, read it again for the nuances and shades between the black and white, and then read it again with your heart.  If it challenges you and makes you think in any way, my job has been completed.  Getting the people out of the sheepish mentality of conventional ideas and thought patterns means that the populace is awakening their mind, body and spirit.

With all of this being said, enjoy what ideas, rantings and ravings, stories and exposes get posted here.  All I ask is that you keep any comments and responses to an adult level of respect and what seems to be an old-fashioned ideas of communication – clean, respectful and open.  Be aware that any rude, abusive or vulgar comments will be removed and reported immediately.  Otherwise, enjoy the musings of this unconventional being and his unconventional spirituality.  

Blessings to all,
Rev. Jeffrey E. Jacques

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