Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Circle of Friends

This has been a story that may be called by some a creation story.  Whatever label you wish to place on it is up to you, yet its a story that has been with me since I can remember.  Enjoy the story of ...

"The Circle of Friends."

Many eons and epochs ago, there were great beings of light that roamed the cosmos.  These beings were free from a physical sense of existence.  Thought was action, ideas were reality, and creation was their breath.  They played amongst the stars, danced with the nebulous reactions, and marveled at creation.  They were the embodiment of being in the light of peace and love, yet even that pales to describe the awe of their existence.

As thought brought them through the cosmos, they came upon a place of wonder.  This azure gem was nested in a lonely corner of creation, and a part of a small spiraling infant galaxy.  It was placed on the edge of this expanse, yet seemed to have something that drew them there.  Their action of thought brought them closer and closer, and when they finally arrived they marveled at the actions and reactions paradise laid before them.

They knew of the breath that gave them their life, and that breath seemed to be creating some masterpiece right before them.  Their travels could wait while they remained to watch this birth of creation.  As the planet was created before their eyes, they found themselves truly in the Paradise that they had sought.  They knew their travels through the cosmos were now at an end.  They had found Paradise.  They could feel the heartbeat of the being that was this planet, and they became part of her.

So these great beings of light made this masterpiece of Creation their new home.  They basked in the light, they swayed in the breezes, crashed upon the rocks, found the peace of their renewed connections, explored new gateways of travel without moving, travelled effortlessly on the currents of air, and marveled in the completion of their Spirit.  While they made this their home, amidst the Paradise they witnessed, their consciousness reached out into the universe.  As they did this, the other beings of change and destruction felt the light and peace of these beings.  They too wanted to see this Paradise for themselves, for whatever reasons there were, they wanted it for themselves too.

As the connection was made with these other beings, they realized what they had done in the relaxation of their new existence.  They knew that life as they knew it would be changing.  Destruction and ownership could not be part of this being of wonder they now called their home, their charge of which they were becoming stewards.  These seven beings knew that change had come, and that they were to protect this wondrous, living, breathing being.  As life was creating itself on the planet, they had a knowing of its glory that would one day be another fantastical story.  They declared this Paradise to be protected and hidden from the eyes of destruction for all of eternity, or for at least as long as they were the stewards of the living planet of Creation.  And so they became the Guardians of Paradise.

One of these beings became the Guardian of the Sun.  He vowed to keep a watchful eye on life as it was evolving on the planet.  He would shine down the light of Creation upon life and nourish its splendor.  Responsible for the turning and changing of the seasons, for the warmth and Light he brought to all, he would shine with a simple smile and illumine knowledge for any seeker of wisdom.

Another became the Guardian of the Trees and plant life that brought her so much joy and peace.  She would bring in the light of her brother Sun and create the life-sustaining elements for the life as it would evolve.  The Tree offered growth, quiet strength, and the ability to nurture and embrace.  She would give all other creatures a home deep in her heart. The Tree would also be willing to give her own life, and in doing so, create the environment for improved growth for others.

The Guardian of the azure waters that covered most of the planet would partner with brother Sun and sister Tree to feed life.  He vowed to wash and cleanse Paradise, and to keep her nourished in the emotional stages of creation.  The Water, in his stillness or deep churning fury, would purify and wash away all that is no longer necessary. Water is seemingly transparent and yet holds wonderment and mystery in his depths. He has the ability to quench thirst continuously, for the refreshing rain, and for the blanket of stunning snow.

One found her wonder and amazement of the Creation around her to be that of which she would be Guardian.  Peace and Joy, Wonder and Love, and all things of feeling, emotion and true connection would be her stewardship.  The Guardian of the Magick of life found a renewed sense of Peace with this new direction of being.  Her connection to her brothers and sisters, and their connection to each other held such power and limitless opportunity for learning, and for being.  She would watch over the connections and the love that all would have and enjoy.

Her brother, the Guardian of the Gateways, could sense and see the pathways all around the planet.  One day there would be beings who would travel great distances in the cosmos.  One day some would see into the heart of Creation and seek it out as well.  Many would also seek out this Paradise, and he vowed to keep it safe from their knowing, and keep his family safe and hidden, until it was time.  The Gateway symbolized by the Moon would move through the night sky. Many would bask in the reflection, gathering strength as the Moon grew fuller, and contemplate as it waned.

The carefree rider of the currents of air became the Guardian of the Wind.  She would aide her brothers and sisters in caring for their home.  Seeming small in stature, her winds could blow strong and mighty, while at the same time be gentle and caring.  The Wind caressed the hair of all beings on this planet, carrying whispers of renewed hope on her soft breeze. Wind also had the fortitude to bring down and remove, to clear away that which was no longer loved nor cherished in their blessed existence.

The one who marveled at the uniqueness of the life that was being created on this planet, vowed his protection of the Spirit that would inhabit life on the globe, in all forms which it took, including themselves.  The Guardian of Spirit became as life evolved, and found its being within itself.  Spirit is great friends with all, working well with one another to find joy in the tiniest creation.

These Guardians knew that as they took on this new path, they would guide this living, breathing wonder through the patterns of Creation that she was destined to encounter.  They had protected this gem of life from the darkness that would seek to destroy it.  Now that their home was protected, they could sit and watch life evolve.  So they spent many thousands of years doing just that.  They also, soon became tired, as their once limitless existence now had limitations.  How would they continue to be the stewards of Paradise?  They must rest.  But rest where?

There was life that was beginning to evolve rapidly on this planet.  This form of life seemed to have a spark of creation different from the rest.  One that seemed to be of the Creator itself, like nothing they had ever seen before.  They knew these were to be their vessels for their knowing, and their being.  However, while they rested within these forms of life, their duty and knowing must continue.

Two similar beings that were close to this area of the cosmos, vowed to watch over these Guardians while they rested.  One would be the Guardian of the Chosen (the Protector), and one would be the Guardian of the Knowledge they held (the Librarian).

The Protector knew of the darkness, understood the desires of everything around him, and saw right-conduct and honor as his weapons of choice balanced together with the skills of stealth, silence and a keen eye.  Nothing in Creation would harm those he protects, possibly not even Creation itself.  He holds life in his hands, and with the furtherance of that life, his own being grows.  The toils of his stewardship can bring great concern and care for many and many things, yet he knows his duty and where his loyalty belongs.

The Librarian, since the beginning of her existence, has found all knowledge to be a precious gift to be closely guarded and passed on throughout the ages.  Both a Guardian and Protector, the charge to keep knowledge safe and protected she held close to her being.  With each lifetime she has had on this planet, her ability to see through the sands of time and know what must be seen in time and on time was a gift she cherished, and sometimes cursed.  Yet at each turn of her wheel, she took with her the accumulated understandings of the All around her, and also the knowledge of her friends she swore to watch over.

And so it was for eons.  Becoming in and out of physical existence, and waking only when they were needed.  While the seven rested, the two would wake.  While the seven were, the two would lay quiet.  There were times in the evolution of the races of man here on Earth that all were awakened.  These times were when all the Guardians would know of their existence, would remember their beginning, and hold true to their Stewardship of this planet.  These times were during great strife, great cataclysm, and great change.  They would all awaken to usher in a new era and a renewed sense of being on the planet.  When this job was done, they would lay dormant again in the hearts and minds of all that walked this planet of Paradise.  They would hide themselves in the first place that the humans would never begin to look – within their heart.

They knew that as much as they wished to Guard this Paradise, one truth would become.  The darkness would find this place now and then, yet their duty would never change.  They, and those that knew of them, would continue as Stewards of the Light, Guardians of Paradise, and the Spark of Divinity that they hold so close to their being.

These Guardians are said to still walk this earth today.  They may be in the shining eyes of a baby, or in the rustling of leaves on a breezy day.  You may hear their messages on the crashing waves or in the pouring rain.  Listen closely as their love and magick are poured out through the gateways of knowledge.  Let their caress breeze your skin and hair.  Allow their Spirit to touch your own.  Allow your Spark to be well guarded and know the understandings that come before you.

Do you know of these beings around you?  They may be sitting next to you today, or you may have brushed by them in the grocery store.  Give them your support and share with them in their Stewardship of this planet.  She breathes along with you.  She is your home, and you are precious to her.

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